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Site Version 1.5

Welcome to KGCenter!

About Me and the Site!

I'm from Brazil and I've always wanted to have my own space on the internet. For years, I've used Blogger technology (in fact, I've always surfed the internet through blogs), but Blogger is abandoned. Several of them haven't been updated since 2010. I accidentally ended up reading about Web Revival and thought the idea was incredible, so I decided to start my own HTML site from scratch. The internet here in Brazil is a bit of a mess, with a lot of garbage content being created and consumed. I'm tired of it. I'll make my site in English, but remember that I'm Brazilian, so I might use some slang or expressions you might not know.

Hope to see you around!

PS: Yes yhe version 1.5 of ythe site was launched! Wohohooo let's rule the web!!!! ⁀⊙෴☉⁀

Let's Blog!

Muito tempo sem atualizações - 06/12/2024

Esses dias eu andei muito ocupado e fiquei muuto tempo sem consehguir atualizar o site e o meu canal no Youtube então decidi fazer esse post em portugues mesmo, as vezes a vida adulta acaba atrapalhando nossos planos, mas se tudo der certo vou tirar um recesso em breve onde vou poder continuar trabalhando no site e a fazer vídeos, tem várias coisas que ainda quero arrumar aqui como o proprio template do site, mas a falta de tempo atrapalha demais pelamor, enfim, só isso que queria dizer mesmo, tamo junto e até a proxima

Learning HTML - 22/11/2024

Never in my life did I think I'd be holding a book of html in my hands, and I studied systems development at university (lol), I recently bought a book from 1996 that teaches basic html and I love it, reading this book made me think about how far the internet has come in such a short time. When I was making my website I felt nostalgic for when I was a kid, with dial-up internet that I could only access on Saturdays from 2pm because it was cheaper, back then things were simpler but much cooler than today, the term "surfing the internet" made a lot more sense back then. I'd like to get people here in Brazil to start making their own websites again, but I think it's difficult because people here don't want to have any culture and only consume rubbish on the internet. But on the bright side, if the miracle ever happens, at least my site is ready.

I think I need to update something...again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - 18/11/2024

By creating this blog section on the site I thought it was a good idea to have made a scroll box, but I'm realizing that the index html may end up being very long and perhaps heavy as the posts go by, I didn't intend it, but I'll probably have to end up using frames on the site at least for the Blog part. I'm running this site trying to keep it to as few pages as possible, so it really wasn't in my plans to frame it. STUDYING THE CASE!

Web revival, moving from blogger? - 17/11/2024

Well, as I always say, having a page on the Internet is fantastic, and now that I've switched from Blogger to a simple html site that I made on my own, it's been an incredible experience, I'm learning a lot of things that I never imagined I'd learn in my life, I'm studying html, just to make my site look and feel the way I want it to, I still have a lot to fix here, but I'm really enjoying it.

Play with Craudete!