Let's Blog!
I think I need to update something...again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
By creating this blog section on the site I thought it was a good idea to have made a scroll box, but I'm realizing that the index html may end up being very long and perhaps heavy as the posts go by, I didn't intend it, but I'll probably have to end up using frames on the site at least for the Blog part. I'm running this site trying to keep it to as few pages as possible, so it really wasn't in my plans to frame it. STUDYING THE CASE!
Web revival, moving from blogger? - 17/11/2024
Well, as I always say, having a page on the Internet is fantastic, and now that I've switched from Blogger to a simple html site that I made on my own, it's been an incredible experience, I'm learning a lot of things that I never imagined I'd learn in my life, I'm studying html, just to make my site look and feel the way I want it to, I still have a lot to fix here, but I'm really enjoying it.